It has previously been detailed how to clone a Binary Tree and LinkedList using random pointers. The concept of graph copying is essentially the same.
The goal is to perform a BFS traversal of the graph and create a clone node—a replica of the original node—while visiting a node. A clone node is already present if a node that has already been visited is encountered.
How can I monitor the nodes that have been visited or cloned? Maintaining all of the previously generated nodes requires a hash map or map. Important stores: The original node’s address or reference Value shops: Address/Reference of the Cloned Node A duplicate of every node in the graph has been created.
How are clone nodes connected? Visit all of the neighboring nodes for u, find the corresponding clone node for each neighbor (or create one if none exists), and then push into the neighboring vector of the cloneNodeU node. This process is done while visiting the neighboring vertices of a node u to obtain the corresponding cloned node for u, which we’ll call cloneNodeU.
How can I tell whether the cloned graph is accurate? Before and after the graph is cloned, perform a BFS traversal. In BFS traversal, show a node’s value in addition to its address or reference. Examine the node order; if the values are the same but the address or reference varies between the two traversals, the cloned graph is accurate.
// A C++ program to Clone an Undirected Graph
using namespace std;
struct GraphNode
int val;
//A neighbour vector which contains addresses to
//all the neighbours of a GraphNode
vector<GraphNode*> neighbours;
// A function which clones a Graph and
// returns the address to the cloned
// src node
GraphNode *cloneGraph(GraphNode *src)
//A Map to keep track of all the
//nodes which have already been created
map<GraphNode*, GraphNode*> m;
queue<GraphNode*> q;
// Enqueue src node
GraphNode *node;
// Make a clone Node
node = new GraphNode();
node->val = src->val;
// Put the clone node into the Map
m[src] = node;
while (!q.empty())
//Get the front node from the queue
//and then visit all its neighbours
GraphNode *u = q.front();
vector<GraphNode *> v = u->neighbours;
int n = v.size();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
// Check if this node has already been created
if (m[v[i]] == NULL)
// If not then create a new Node and
// put into the HashMap
node = new GraphNode();
node->val = v[i]->val;
m[v[i]] = node;
// add these neighbours to the cloned graph node
// Return the address of cloned src Node
return m[src];
// Build the desired graph
GraphNode *buildGraph()
Note : All the edges are Undirected
Given Graph:
| |
GraphNode *node1 = new GraphNode();
node1->val = 1;
GraphNode *node2 = new GraphNode();
node2->val = 2;
GraphNode *node3 = new GraphNode();
node3->val = 3;
GraphNode *node4 = new GraphNode();
node4->val = 4;
vector<GraphNode *> v;
node1->neighbours = v;
node2->neighbours = v;
node3->neighbours = v;
node4->neighbours = v;
return node1;
// A simple bfs traversal of a graph to
// check for proper cloning of the graph
void bfs(GraphNode *src)
map<GraphNode*, bool> visit;
queue<GraphNode*> q;
visit[src] = true;
while (!q.empty())
GraphNode *u = q.front();
cout << "Value of Node " << u->val << "\n";
cout << "Address of Node " <<u << "\n";
vector<GraphNode *> v = u->neighbours;
int n = v.size();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (!visit[v[i]])
visit[v[i]] = true;
cout << endl;
// Driver program to test above function
int main()
GraphNode *src = buildGraph();
cout << "BFS Traversal before cloning\n";
GraphNode *newsrc = cloneGraph(src);
cout << "BFS Traversal after cloning\n";
return 0;
// Java program to Clone an Undirected Graph
import java.util.*;
// GraphNode class represents each
// Node of the Graph
class GraphNode
int val;
// A neighbour Vector which contains references to
// all the neighbours of a GraphNode
Vector<GraphNode> neighbours;
public GraphNode(int val)
this.val = val;
neighbours = new Vector<GraphNode>();
class Graph
// A method which clones the graph and
// returns the reference of new cloned source node
public GraphNode cloneGraph(GraphNode source)
Queue<GraphNode> q = new LinkedList<GraphNode>();
// An HashMap to keep track of all the
// nodes which have already been created
HashMap<GraphNode,GraphNode> hm =
new HashMap<GraphNode,GraphNode>();
//Put the node into the HashMap
hm.put(source,new GraphNode(source.val));
while (!q.isEmpty())
// Get the front node from the queue
// and then visit all its neighbours
GraphNode u = q.poll();
// Get corresponding Cloned Graph Node
GraphNode cloneNodeU = hm.get(u);
if (u.neighbours != null)
Vector<GraphNode> v = u.neighbours;
for (GraphNode graphNode : v)
// Get the corresponding cloned node
// If the node is not cloned then we will
// simply get a null
GraphNode cloneNodeG = hm.get(graphNode);
// Check if this node has already been created
if (cloneNodeG == null)
// If not then create a new Node and
// put into the HashMap
cloneNodeG = new GraphNode(graphNode.val);
// add the 'cloneNodeG' to neighbour
// vector of the cloneNodeG
// Return the reference of cloned source Node
return hm.get(source);
// Build the desired graph
public GraphNode buildGraph()
Note : All the edges are Undirected
Given Graph:
| |
GraphNode node1 = new GraphNode(1);
GraphNode node2 = new GraphNode(2);
GraphNode node3 = new GraphNode(3);
GraphNode node4 = new GraphNode(4);
Vector<GraphNode> v = new Vector<GraphNode>();
node1.neighbours = v;
v = new Vector<GraphNode>();
node2.neighbours = v;
v = new Vector<GraphNode>();
node3.neighbours = v;
v = new Vector<GraphNode>();
node4.neighbours = v;
return node1;
// BFS traversal of a graph to
// check if the cloned graph is correct
public void bfs(GraphNode source)
Queue<GraphNode> q = new LinkedList<GraphNode>();
HashMap<GraphNode,Boolean> visit =
new HashMap<GraphNode,Boolean>();
while (!q.isEmpty())
GraphNode u = q.poll();
System.out.println("Value of Node " + u.val);
System.out.println("Address of Node " + u);
if (u.neighbours != null)
Vector<GraphNode> v = u.neighbours;
for (GraphNode g : v)
if (visit.get(g) == null)
// Driver code
class Main
public static void main(String args[])
Graph graph = new Graph();
GraphNode source = graph.buildGraph();
System.out.println("BFS traversal of a graph before cloning");
GraphNode newSource = graph.cloneGraph(source);
System.out.println("BFS traversal of a graph after cloning");
from collections import deque
class GraphNode:
def __init__(self, val=0, neighbors=[]):
self.val = val
self.neighbors = neighbors
def cloneGraph(src: GraphNode) -> GraphNode:
# A Map to keep track of all the
# nodes which have already been created
m = {}
q = deque()
# Enqueue src node
node = None
# Make a clone Node
node = GraphNode()
node.val = src.val
# Put the clone node into the Map
m[src] = node
while q:
# Get the front node from the queue
# and then visit all its neighbors
u = q.popleft()
v = u.neighbors
for neighbor in v:
# Check if this node has already been created
if neighbor not in m:
# If not then create a new Node and
# put into the HashMap
node = GraphNode()
node.val = neighbor.val
m[neighbor] = node
# Add these neighbors to the cloned graph node
# Return the address of cloned src Node
return m[src]
# Build the desired graph
def buildGraph() -> GraphNode:
Given Graph:
| |
node1 = GraphNode(1)
node2 = GraphNode(2)
node3 = GraphNode(3)
node4 = GraphNode(4)
node1.neighbors = [node2, node4]
node2.neighbors = [node1, node3]
node3.neighbors = [node2, node4]
node4.neighbors = [node3, node1]
return node1
# A simple bfs traversal of a graph to
# check for proper cloning of the graph
def bfs(src: GraphNode):
visit = {}
q = deque()
visit[src] = True
while q:
u = q.popleft()
print(f"Value of Node {u.val}")
print(f"Address of Node {u}")
v = u.neighbors
for neighbor in v:
if neighbor not in visit:
visit[neighbor] = True
if __name__ == "__main__":
src = buildGraph()
print("BFS Traversal before cloning")
clone = cloneGraph(src)
print("\nBFS Traversal after cloning")
# This code is contributed by vikramshirsath177
// A Javascript program to Clone an Undirected Graph
// program to implement queue data structure
class Queue {
constructor() {
this.items = [];
// add element to the queue
push(element) {
return this.items.push(element);
// remove element from the queue
pop() {
if (this.items.length > 0) {
return this.items.shift();
// view the front element
front() {
return this.items[0];
// check if the queue is empty
empty() {
return this.items.length == 0;
// the size of the queue
size() {
return this.items.length;
// empty the queue
clear() {
this.items = [];
class GraphNode {
constructor() {
//A neighbour array which contains addresses to
//all the neighbours of a GraphNode
this.neighbours = new Array();
class Graph {
// A function which clones a Graph and
// returns the address to the cloned
// src node
cloneGraph(src) {
//A Map to keep track of all the
//nodes which have already been created
let m = new Map();
let q = new Queue();
// Enqueue src node
let node;
// Make a clone Node
node = new GraphNode();
node.val = src.val;
// Put the clone node into the Map
m.set(src, node);
while (!q.empty()) {
//Get the front node from the queue
//and then visit all its neighbours
let u = q.front();
let v = u.neighbours;
let n = v.length;
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
// Check if this node has already been created
if (m.get(v[i]) == null) {
// If not then create a new Node and
// put into the Map
node = new GraphNode();
node.val = v[i].val;
m.set(v[i], node);
// add these neighbours to the cloned graph node
// Return the address of cloned src Node
return m.get(src);
// Build the desired graph
buildGraph() {
Note : All the edges are Undirected
Given Graph:
| |
let node1 = new GraphNode();
node1.val = 1;
let node2 = new GraphNode();
node2.val = 2;
let node3 = new GraphNode();
node3.val = 3;
let node4 = new GraphNode();
node4.val = 4;
let v = new Array();
node1.neighbours = v;
v = [];
node2.neighbours = v;
v = [];
node3.neighbours = v;
v = [];
node4.neighbours = v;
return node1;
// A simple bfs traversal of a graph to
// check for proper cloning of the graph
bfs(src) {
let visit = new Map();
let q = new Queue();
visit.set(src, true);
while (!q.empty()) {
let u = q.front();
console.log("Value of Node " + u.val);
console.log("Address of Node " + u);
let v = u.neighbours;
let n = v.length;
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (visit.get(v[i]) === undefined) {
visit.set(v[i], true);
console.log(" ");
// Driver program to test above function
let graph = new Graph();
let src = graph.buildGraph();
console.log("BFS Traversal before cloning");
let newsrc = graph.cloneGraph(src);
console.log("BFS Traversal after cloning");
// This code is contributed by satwiksuman.
BFS Traversal before cloning Value of Node 1 Address of Node 0x1b6ce70 Value of Node 2 Address of Node 0x1b6cea0 Value of Node 4 Address of Node 0x1b6cf00 Value of Node 3 Address of Node 0x1b6ced0 BFS Traversal after cloning Value of Node 1 Address of Node 0x1b6e5a0 Value of Node 2 Address of Node 0x1b6e5d0 Value of Node 4 Address of Node 0x1b6e620 Value of Node 3 Address of Node 0x1b6e670